Image from CAPS Canada Convention , Ottawa - Copyright Joan Bateman
For a personalized quote or Proposal for Photography/or videography for Conventions and workshops
If you are looking for photographic services for your convention , seminar or workshop, , Look no further...we are a professional team and are ready to capture epic images of your events. We will make it easy for you to promote your social media campaigns, to market next years event, share live and online .... and/or to send out with press releases during the conference/workshop or convention.
Gainsboro Studio is one of the oldest trusted names in photography services, and has been in business since 1918 ! We have covered hundreds of events from corporate boardroom workshops to National Conventions. We offer coverage options to suit your needs and can customize them to correlate to your brand or event.
Send us a quick email and our sales team will follow up.
Please send email (to for:
Request for Services including the following :
Contact Name and email _________
Association name and/or Professional Request ____________
Dates and locations for services required ____________
Approximate attendance and convention details: ______________
Budget constraints allotted for services __________________
Requirements: Photographer (s) to take photos (when and where) _____________
The association /client are willing to provide:_______________ (ie: accommodations, transportation, costs, the photographers a place to set up, space and ability to promote their services to take professional quality “head shots” onsite for anyone during the convention , etc. )
List of required subjects or sessions that need coverage:____________________
example: (if known at his time, if not please speculate approximate hours of work)
Photographer will capture images and presenters in Ballroom A & B – main room used for all General Sessions commencing at 6:00 p.m. on
Saturday evening right through to Monday evening after closing Gala Dinner/Dance. Ballroom C plus Registration, Exhibit Area, bookstore, breaks, etc. Various Breakout Rooms – starting Saturday morning with various pre-convention workshop offerings. Breakout sessions continue at various time
slots on Sunday and Monday. Friday Activities – if possible, photographer to be available Friday
afternoon for two sessions and for our evening event for outdoor group shoot. It is expected that shots will be taken at
all scheduled plenary and breakout sessions.___________________________________________The final usage rights expected:_____________ (ie: images on DVD/ or on-line gallery, emailed to magazines or art directors, etc.)
*photos will remain the Photographers property and copyright is retained by photographer.
Usage rights for the client are negotiable , with one time rights, up to in perpetuity rights. - depending on clients needs.)
** Usually convention candid images may be used by both parties for promotional purposes in any of their advertising sources
and/or website. The photographer may post all the photos to his/her website/social media to be made available to
convention attendees for purchase of individual photos.
Is there a website for complete program details? _______________
Submit your completed proposal to: _____________________
Due date for proposal: ___________________________
For purposes of transparency, below is our standard convention contract.
(We know legal jargon is unfriendly in nature, so please bear with us . :)
Gainsboro Studio Ltd. Standard quote for a photographic Services
Gainsboro Studio LTD and __________________
EVENT DATES:: __________________________
Flights to and from {city} _____________________________- from Calgary Alberta for myself;
Joan Bateman of Gainsboro Studio, and Grip / assistant Scott Cowan. (editor, Spotlight Magazine) and additionally Videographer ( if required for more than slideshow or social media quality.) Purchased and arranged by The Client at least 10 days prior to event. (instead of standard
EXPENSES INCURRED: When applicable, the CLIENT is responsible for all
additional travel, accommodation, meal and transport costs, two pieces of luggage per person ( plus equipment costs if necessary)
TRAVEL EXPENSES: All travel expenses are based on the distance between
the EVENT location(s) and Gainsboro Studio Ltd studio address. For all
EVENT(S), the first 10 miles round trip of travel are included. All miles in
excess of 10 miles round trip are charged at $1.00 per mile.
Gainsboro Studio is not responsible for compromised
coverage due to causes beyond the control of Gainsboro Studio, including but
not limited to obtrusive guests, simultaneous speakers or locations, or lateness of the CLIENT or guests, weather
conditions, schedule complications, incorrect addresses provided to Gainsboro
Studio Ltd, rendering of decorations, or restrictions of the locations. Gainsboro
Studio is not responsible for backgrounds or lighting conditions which may
negatively impact or restrict the photo coverage. Gainsboro Studio is not held
liable for missed coverage of any part of the EVENT(S). Gainsboro Studio will
not be held accountable for failure to deliver images of any individuals or any
objects at the event(s).
VENUE AND LOCATION LIMITATIONS: Gainsboro Studio is limited by
the rules and guidelines of the location(s) and site management. The CLIENT
agrees to accept the technical results of their imposition on Gainsboro Studio..
Client agrees to ensure adaquate electrical access and safe as technically needed to preform requested coverage.
Client will also provide safe storage for Gainsboro equipment.
Negotiation with the officials for moderation of guidelines is the CLIENT's
responsibility; Gainsboro Studio will offer technical recommendations only.
The CLIENT is responsible for acquiring all permits and necessary
permission for all locations on which Gainsboro Studio will be performing
The photographs produced by Gainsboro Studio
are protected by Federal Copyright Law (all rights reserved) and may not be
reproduced in any manner without Gainsboro Studio’s explicitly written
permission. If the CLIENT has purchased an "Image DVD" from Gainsboro
Studio, upon final payment by the CLIENT, limited copyright ownership of the
resulting images will be transferred to the CLIENT. If the CLIENT has
purchased an "Image DVD" from Gainsboro Studio , then Gainsboro grants the
CLIENT permission to share the images on social networking websites, with
family and friends, and on vendor websites as long as the images remain
unaltered and textual credit is explicitly given to Gainsboro Studio. The
CLIENT must obtain written permission from Gainsboro Studio prior to
publishing or selling the photographs.
MODEL RELEASE: The CLIENT hereby assigns Gainsboro Studio the
irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs of the
CLIENT or in which the CLIENT may be included, for editorial, trade,
advertising, educational and any other purpose and in any manner and medium;
to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same without
restriction. The CLIENT releases all claim to profits that may arise from use of
LIMIT OF LIABILITY: In the unlikely event that the assigned photographer
from the COMPANY is unable to perform to the guidelines of this contract due
to an injury, illness, act of God, act of terrorism, or other cause beyond the
control of Gainsboro Studio Ltd , Gainsboro Studio Ltd will make every effort
to secure a replacement. If the situation should occur and a suitable replacement
is not found, responsibility and liability is limited to the return of all payments
received for the EVENT(S).
In the unlikely event that digital files have been lost, stolen, or destroyed for
reasons beyond the companies control, including but not limited to camera, hard
drive, or equipment malfunction. The limit of liability for a partial loss of
originals shall be a prorated amount of the exposures lost based on the
percentage of total number of originals. Gainsboro Studio Ltd is not liable for Gainsboro to ____ for
the loss of images beyond the lesser of the final delivery of all products included
in the package or one year.
Gainsboro Studio is not liable to deliver
every image taken at the event. The determination of images delivered to the
CLIENT is left to the reasonable discretion of Gainsboro Studio.
POST PRODUCTION AND EDITING: The final post production and editing
styles, effects, and overall look of the images are left to the discretion of the
The aforementioned ____% non-refundable retainer
fee is due at the time of signing of agreement. The remaining balance is payable
in full prior to or the day of the event(s). In the event the CLIENT fails to remit
payment as specified, Gainsboro Studio shall have the right to immediately
terminate this agreement with no further obligation, retain any monies already
paid, and not attend the event(s). Returned checks will be assessed a
$100___ non-sufficient funds fee.
PRICING: Services or merchandise not included in this initial contract will be
sold at the current price when the order is placed. All prices are subject to
change at any time without notice. Credit vouchers have no intrinsic cash value
and may only be applied toward merchandise purchased from Gainsboro Studio
Ltd .
WE , (the client) have read and understood the terms above.
I hereby agree to the terms of this agreement.
Total Agreed upon fee for serves will be $ _________________________________ (plus above mentioned and agreed to expenses and costs)
Signed this _______day of ____________________ in the City of _______________________________ 20____
Client Signature: ______________________________________
Gainsboro Signature: __________________________________